Cathleen Bate
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Cathleen Bate

スターアンドストライプ / キャスリーン・ベイト, Cathleen Bate, 凯瑟琳·贝特
Original Name: スターアンドストライプ / キャスリーン・ベイト


The No.1 hero in the United States, a 42-year-old woman. In fact, in the anime movie "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes," when a young All Might was studying in America, he saved a family's car from a robber on the run while they were on their way to Santa Monica Pier. The older sister in that car later became Star and Stripe.
"Quirk": New Order
After touching a target and calling their name, she can set new rules for the target. She can set up to two rules at a time.

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(Last edited time: April 25, 2024, 6:48 p.m.)

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