Bibimi Kenranzaki
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Bibimi Kenranzaki

絢爛崎 美々美(けんらんざき びびみ), Bibimi Kenranzaki, 绚烂崎美美美
Height: 160cm
Original Name: 絢爛崎 美々美(けんらんざき びびみ)


A female student in Class 3-G of the Support Course. She is known for her long eyelashes and flashy appearance and attire. She is caring but often struggles with her juniors' inventions. Her motto appears to be "As a member of the Support Course, be beautiful at all times!" She seems to create bold and splendidly luxurious items. She already has a maniacal and enthusiastic fan base. She won the school festival beauty contest two years in a row, but lost to Hadou in her third year.

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(Last edited time: June 21, 2024, 11:16 p.m.)

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