Tatsuyuki Tokoname
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Tatsuyuki Tokoname

スライディン・ゴー / 常滑 達行(とこなめ たつゆき), Tatsuyuki Tokoname, 史莱丁豪
Original Name: スライディン・ゴー / 常滑 達行(とこなめ たつゆき)


One of the local heroes who witnessed the incident resolved by Bakugo and Todoroki. 36 years old.
A large man with a distinctive jutting chin, always sporting a cheerful smile, but in reality, he is a member of the Meta Liberation Army, an undercover liberation warrior.
In the "Meta Liberation Front," he is assigned to "CARMINE" and serves as the No. 2, assisting Skeptic.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:46 p.m.)

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