Kinzou Shima
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Kinzou Shima

志摩 金造(しま きんぞう), Kinzou Shima, 志摩金造
Original Name: 志摩 金造(しま きんぞう)


The fourth son of Yaomizo. A member of the Second Patrol Squad at the Kyoto Branch Office. A middle second-class Buddhist exorcist. Holds the titles of Knight and Chanting Knight. 20 years old. A young monk at Shima Temple.
Characterized by his blond hair. Quite emotional, quick to fight, and has a rough temperament. Although considered unintelligent by those around him, he has a good memory for learning chants. He also serves as the vocalist and shamisen player for a band called "Nirvana Strider," which is highly regarded by a niche audience. Additionally, many followers of the Myoda Sect often attend their live performances, making the events resemble social gatherings.

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(Last edited time: May 12, 2024, 3:02 p.m.)

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