Eijirou Kirishima
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Eijirou Kirishima

切島 鋭児郎(きりしま えいじろう) / 烈怒頼雄斗(レッドライオット), Eijirou Kirishima, 切岛锐儿郎
Gender: Male
Height: 170cm
Original Name: 切島 鋭児郎(きりしま えいじろう) / 烈怒頼雄斗(レッドライオット)


A male student with spiky red hair, pointed teeth, and a scar on his right eyelid from rubbing it when his "Quirk" manifests. Born in Chiba Prefecture.
He has a cheerful and inclusive personality. He actively approaches even the foul-mouthed Bakugo, mediates arguments, and is a mood maker in the class who cares about those around him.
He is hot-blooded and often uses the word "manliness," contributing to achieving results beyond his abilities through cooperation with everyone.
Izuku describes him as someone who has an equal relationship with Katsuki.
He devised his own hero name, Sturdy Hero "Red Riot," as an homage to his ideal hero image, "Crimson Riot."
Until high school, he was too timid to stop bullying when he saw it, leading to regrets. He was once jealous of his classmate Ashido, who represented an ideal he aspired to, but realizing this, he resolved to train himself and developed his current positive personality.
He has developed a friendship with Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu from Class B, who has a similar "Quirk," since they competed in the sports festival.
"Quirk": Hardening
Allows him to harden his body. Suitable for combat, both offensive and defensive. He considers it "plain" for a hero.
The hardening has a limit of about 10 minutes. Continuous attacks can cause a part of his body to lose tension, undoing the hardening, as Bakugo has figured out. He can harden again after catching his breath.

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(Last edited time: July 3, 2024, 4:19 p.m.)

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