Atsuhiro Sako
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Atsuhiro Sako

Mr.コンプレス / 迫 圧紘(さこ あつひろ), Atsuhiro Sako, 压缩先生/迫压纮
Original Name: Mr.コンプレス / 迫 圧紘(さこ あつひろ)


In the "Meta Liberation Army," he serves as the action squad leader for "BROWN" alongside Spinner. He wears a mask, a suit, a cape, and a silk hat adorned with feathers. After having his left arm blown off by Overhaul's "Quirk," he now wears a mechanical prosthetic limb. He comes from the lineage of the rare thief, Oji Hazama, and Compress is his great-grandson. "Quirk": Compression. He can compress and confine targets into a spherical shape. By only confining part of a target, he can also destroy it.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:40 p.m.)

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