Ji-Hyeok Woo
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Ji-Hyeok Woo

金子 亨(かねこ とおる) / 우지혁(ウ・ジヒョク), Ji-Hyeok Woo, 金子亨
Gender: Male
Original Name: 金子 亨(かねこ とおる) / 우지혁(ウ・ジヒョク)


Commonly known as Kanegon. Coming from a wealthy family that owned filming equipment, Kanegon served as the cameraman for Ssamdak. Initially, Kanegon joined Ssamdak in bullying Shimura, but following a fight with Shimura, he fell to the lower ranks of the school caste system.
After Ssamdak's downfall, Kanegon approached Shimura with the intention of making money, offering to start a live streaming channel, and became the cameraman for a self-taught fighting channel. At first, he looked down on Shimura and his mother as poor, but gradually, they formed a bond of friendship that went beyond mutual interests.

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(Last edited time: April 11, 2024, 11:01 p.m.)

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