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クレイトン, Clayton, 克雷顿
Original Name: クレイトン


Belongs to the "Azure Owl Dormitory". A younger member of the Bluewer dormitory. Later becomes a member of P4.
A seemingly uptight young man with neatly arranged glasses, also referred to as a bookworm. However, he is actually handsome, and when he takes off his glasses and fixes his hair, he looks quite dashing. In Bluewer's absence, he effectively runs the dormitory and welcomes the newcomer Ciel. Later, he takes a liking to Ciel, who perfectly completes the tasks given to him, and after resolving Maurice's issue, he fully restores Ciel's honor and appoints him as a dormitory member. At the end of the same story, he becomes the new prefect after Bluewer is expelled.
In the "Blue Cult Arc", he is chosen as one of the Phantom Five. His character is set as a cold intellectual. Although it seemed unsuitable at first, as mentioned above, he is handsome without his glasses and manages his role without issue, attempting to wash away the former prefect's disgrace. However, he is not good with women.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 9:34 p.m.)

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