Gou Akaisawa
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Gou Akaisawa

赤井沢 剛(あかいさわ ごう), Gou Akaisawa, 赤井沢刚
Original Name: 赤井沢 剛(あかいさわ ごう)


Height: 182.5 cm / Weight: 81.5 kg / Highest jump reach: 301 cm / Birthday: February 27 / Favorite food: Hayashi rice / Recent concern: Worried about receding hairline / Age: 31 years old
Belongs to the corporate volleyball team "Kaji Wild Dogs." Position: WS.
Ace spiker. Demonstrated such power that Tsukishima sprained his finger during practice. Specializes in cross spikes. Also enjoys taunting opponents.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:11 p.m.)

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