Sorahiko Torino
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Sorahiko Torino

グラントリノ / 酉野 空彦(とりの そらひこ), Sorahiko Torino, 格兰特里诺
Original Name: グラントリノ / 酉野 空彦(とりの そらひこ)


A retired pro hero. The mentor of All Might and the ally of Nana Shimura. Based in Yamanashi Prefecture.
Originally not interested in hero activities, he was so unknown as a hero that even the hero-obsessed Izuku didn't know him. He obtained a hero license that allowed him to freely use his "Quirk" to train All Might.
He worked at U.A. High School for a year in the past to train All Might, instilling a trauma in him that made him truly tremble. Although his abilities are on par with top heroes, due to his age, using his "Quirk" at full power causes him back pain.
"Quirk": Jet
He can jet blast from the exhaust ports on the soles of his feet. The amount of air he inhales determines the strength of the jet.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:33 p.m.)

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