Arthur Randall
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Arthur Randall

アーサー・ランドル, Arthur Randall, 亚瑟·蓝道
Gender: Male
Original Name: アーサー・ランドル


Commissioner General of the Metropolitan Police Service (Scotland Yard), commonly known as Lord Randall. A sharp-eyed, bespectacled gentleman of early old age. As the head of the police, he is officially responsible for maintaining the peace in London, and on the other hand, he also has the role of paying the Phantomhive family, the hidden power, for cases the police cannot solve. He resents having to rely on the Phantomhive family, referring to Ciel as a "demon" and the Phantomhive household as a "nest of evil spirits." In the "Blue Cult Arc," he takes Bravat's confession at face value and persistently pursues Ciel's whereabouts. Originally one of the Phantomhive family's collaborators, he is well-informed about other collaborators Ciel might rely on, such as Pitt.

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