Jhin Syulargun
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Jhin Syulargun

ジン・シュラルガン, Jhin Syulargun, 阵·休拉干
Gender: Male
Original Name: ジン・シュラルガン


A sniper in the same squad as Iska. He has a past where he trained under the same master as Iska. His family runs a gunsmith workshop. He is sarcastic and has a sharp tongue. He is 16 years old.
He possesses godlike sniping skills, able to shoot through the joints of Astral Spirit users' armor without missing, boasting that he could shoot blindfolded without any problems.
He thinks very quickly and was the first in Squad 907 to see through the conspiracy of Iriertia. He also notices the changes in Iska after he meets Alice, and when Rin takes him to the imperial court on her own decision, getting him involved in a dispute with the Zoa family and Sisbell, he confronts him saying, "Isn't this unlike you?"
Usually calm and composed, he is fundamentally caring for his comrades, showing intense emotion when he first meets Lord Mask, who was responsible for Mismis being possessed by an Astral Spirit. Initially, Iska thought he and Sisbell would not get along due to their personalities, but Sisbell took a liking to him, and while Jhin often speaks harshly, he cares for her, managing to silence Kelvina, who called his sister Iriertia a monster, by grazing a bullet on her cheek in front of Sisbell.
His master, Crosswell, has entrusted him with the role of being Iska's stopper, for better or worse, as Iska often lacks restraint.

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(Last edited time: July 1, 2024, 2:32 a.m.)

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