Garaku Utagawa
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Garaku Utagawa

歌川 画楽(うたがわ がらく), Garaku Utagawa, 歌川画乐
Gender: Male
Original Name: 歌川 画楽(うたがわ がらく)


One of Japan's most famous painters, who is actually a tsukumogami spirit born from a brush used by a renowned painter, and like Shirogane, has existed since ancient times, continuing to paint. This spirit wields the mystical art of "Gagenjutsu," which brings paintings to life. When wearing glasses, it refers to itself as "boku," and without them, it switches to "ore."
While recognizing Shirogane as the king of spirits, it tends to engage in excessive physical contact similar to Masurao Sujimori, causing Shirogane to flee from it. Born as a tsukumogami shortly after the death of its painter owner, it was despised by people and grew to detest humanity, only able to sustain its existence through painting. It became a spirit that merely collected items desired by the Dust Mound Demon King. However, after sealing the Dust Mound Demon King, it met Mikotoi, whose kindness gradually opened its heart, but it tragically lost her when she sacrificed herself as a human pillar.
Living through the ages to the present day, it has gained recognition from many humans through the development of social media, acquiring a power even greater than the Dust Mound Demon King that once oppressed it. Regarding Kagemei, born from the darkness in Mikotoi's heart, it claims to no longer have romantic feelings due to Mikotoi's twisted nature, yet it chooses to betray Matsuri and others.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 1:07 p.m.)

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