Mari Tateishi
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Mari Tateishi

立石 真理(たていし まり), Mari Tateishi, 立石真理
Gender: Female
Original Name: 立石 真理(たていし まり)


When the Aono group joined, she was the president of the Symphonic Orchestra Club. Her instrument is the flute. Her birthday is August 18th. She is a third-year student.
Like Harada, she has a well-arranged face and is considered beautiful. She is good friends with Takahashi Tsubasa, the cello section leader, and often complains about wanting to go to the beach but having to study for entrance exams instead. Her flute skills are not very good, and she is often cautioned by the conductor and club advisor, Ayukawa Hiromitsu. However, she practices diligently on her own, and by the summer recital, she is ready to perform adequately and then retires.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 6:29 p.m.)

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