Yuyu Haya
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Yuyu Haya

甲矢 有弓(はや ゆうゆ), Yuyu Haya, 甲矢友弓
Original Name: 甲矢 有弓(はや ゆうゆ)


Nejire Hadou's best friend, a tomboyish girl with peach-colored short hair and piercings. Nejire thinks she's the cutest in the galaxy and suggests she participate in a beauty contest. She seems to have a Quirk that allows her to emit energy, and during the second round of battles, she sends energy to the electromagnetic barrier along with Denki Kaminari and others at U.A. High School (Heaven's Coffin).

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(Last edited time: April 25, 2024, 6:48 p.m.)

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