Kiwi Watase
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Kiwi Watase

渡瀬 キウイ, Kiwi Watase, 渡濑几维
Gender: Female
Original Name: 渡瀬 キウイ


Mahiru's childhood friend.
She is active as a Vtuber under the name "Ryugasaki Nox," continuously broadcasting her belief that she is the strongest being.
She is the type who quickly becomes proficient at anything, and all the skills she showcases as a Vtuber are her own.
However, this discrepancy is partly why she struggles to fully fit in with those around her.
She is the only person Mahiru can talk to without worrying about the past, and she is a precious friend for whom Mahiru would spare no effort to help.

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(Last edited time: April 7, 2024, 8:02 a.m.)

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