Mahiru Kōzuki
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Mahiru Kōzuki

光月 まひる, Mahiru Kōzuki, 光月真昼
Gender: Female
Original Name: 光月 まひる


A conformist, mass-produced high school girl.
She has a tendency to be overly sensitive, which allows her to empathize deeply with others, but also makes her easily hurt by even the smallest things.
In her childhood, she was active as the illustrator "Kurage Yoru," but a certain incident forced her to suspend her activities.
As a result, she has a trauma about being special and spends her days trying to be as normal as possible.
However, her encounter with Kanon becomes a turning point, and her everyday life starts to head towards being special again.

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(Last edited time: April 7, 2024, 8:02 a.m.)

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