Mei "Kim Anouk" Takanashi
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Mei "Kim Anouk" Takanashi

高梨・キム・アヌーク・めい, Mei "Kim Anouk" Takanashi, 高梨·金·阿努克·梅
Gender: Female
Original Name: 高梨・キム・アヌーク・めい


A young lady who attends a prestigious music high school attached to a university. She has been receiving gifted music education from a young age and has won numerous awards in competitions. Being of mixed German descent, her appearance and her tendency not to get too close to others often left her isolated. However, by chance, she became a fan of Nonoka Tachibana and continued to be a passionate fan, following her until the end. After her favorite retired, she was at a loss until she met the real Kano Yamanouchi, which sparked complex emotions within her.

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(Last edited time: April 7, 2024, 8:01 a.m.)

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