Kano Yamanouchi
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Kano Yamanouchi

山ノ内 花音, Kano Yamanouchi, 山之内花音
Gender: Female
Original Name: 山ノ内 花音


A former idol who is determined to pursue her passions. She holds strong opinions and is not easily swayed by others. She used to be the center of the idol group "Sunflower Dolls" under the name "Nonoka Tachibana," but she graduated from the group following a scandal. In search of what she truly wants to do, she begins to explore her path. During this journey, she encounters the creator of a jellyfish mural that changed her perspective, Yoru Kurage, and starts to discover what she can do to be true to herself.

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(Last edited time: April 7, 2024, 8:02 a.m.)

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