Marx Francois
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Marx Francois

マルクス・フランソワ, Marx Francois, 马尔克斯・弗朗索瓦
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Original Name: マルクス・フランソワ


Born on October 21st, 25 years old. Height 167cm. Blood type A. Enjoys drinking tea during breaks from work, and Julius. Magic attribute is "Memory."
Serves as a close aide to the Wizard King, a male with a mushroom cut hairstyle. Struggles with the Wizard King's unpredictability, but respects him deeply regardless. A user of "Memory Communication Magic," capable of placing powerful suggestions on others and viewing memories.
Due to the activation of Reincarnation Magic, was chosen as a host body for an elf's reincarnation, causing his body to be overtaken.
Cries tears of joy upon seeing Julius, whose appearance has become younger due to the series of incidents involving elves, relieved about his survival.
List of Magic
Memory Magic
Oblivion's Azusa Arrow
Fires a magical arrow, erasing the recent memories of whoever it hits. According to Yami, the speed of the arrows became extraordinarily fast when the elves reincarnated.

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