Kenichi Kohiruimaki
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Kenichi Kohiruimaki

小比類巻 健一(こひるいまき けんいち), Kenichi Kohiruimaki, 小比类卷健一
Gender: Male
Original Name: 小比類巻 健一(こひるいまき けんいち)


Kadode's high school classmate. A boy with mushroom hair. He was dating Kiho, but they broke up due to personality differences. Most of his statements are based on information from the internet. He was primarily interested in the music scene, but after "8.31," he became consumed by negative thoughts about the critical situation in Tokyo. After graduating high school, he stayed in Tokyo and joined a radical group that hunted invaders.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 6:01 p.m.)

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