Makoto Tainuma
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Makoto Tainuma

田井沼 マコト(たいぬま マコト), Makoto Tainuma, 田井沼真
Gender: Male
Original Name: 田井沼 マコト(たいぬま マコト)


Futaba and I were classmates in junior high. A boy with a shaved head and buck teeth. Even before coming out (actually showing himself) in front of Futaba, he had been cross-dressing in secret. He didn't identify as female or have a sexual orientation towards men; he simply wanted to become a "cute being loved by everyone" through cross-dressing. After moving to Tokyo, he appears in most scenes cross-dressed with a blonde long-haired wig, makeup, and contacts.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 6:01 p.m.)

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