Naoki Watarase
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Naoki Watarase

渡良瀬(わたらせ), Naoki Watarase, 渡良濑
Gender: Male
Original Name: 渡良瀬(わたらせ)


High school teacher and homeroom teacher for Kadode, Ouran, and others. Wears rimmed glasses and has a listless look. While he has a frank personality that mixes with students as if they are friends, he also has a cynical side. Kadode and other female students had a fondness for him, but he responded as an adult. He had been in a relationship with Hikari since their student days out of inertia, but after Kadode and the others' graduation ceremony, he stated, "We broke up the other day."

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 6:01 p.m.)

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