Sachirou Hirugami
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Sachirou Hirugami

昼神 幸郎(ひるがみ さちろう), Sachirou Hirugami, 昼神幸郎
Original Name: 昼神 幸郎(ひるがみ さちろう)


Height: 190.4cm / Weight: 80.8kg / Birthday: February 3 / Favorite food: Large Shumai / Recent worry: Annoyed by sister's boyfriend's bragging
He is a second-year MB at Seagull High School. His jersey number is 6. Known by the nickname "The Immovable Hirugami", he is a top-class high school blocker who never gets blocked.
Raised in a volleyball family, he showed his talent at the prestigious Yuri Nishi Junior High School. However, he gradually pushes himself too hard, being strict with himself and others.
When he scraped his fist against a concrete wall and bled from the guilt of losing points due to his own mistakes, he was told by Hoshiumi, who was a substitute at the time, "You won't die if you quit (volleyball)". This shaped his current playing style.
After graduating from high school, he is studying in the veterinary department at a university, aiming to become a veterinarian.
By the way, his brother Fukuro is the captain of the Schweiden Adlers, where Hoshiumi belongs. His sister Shoko is also a V-leaguer.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:10 p.m.)

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