Nobuyuki Kai
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Nobuyuki Kai

海 信行(かい のぶゆき), Nobuyuki Kai, 海信行
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Original Name: 海 信行(かい のぶゆき)


Height: 176.5 cm / Weight: 68.9 kg / Highest jump reach: 309 cm / Birthday: April 8 / Favorite food: Sea grapes / Recent concerns: I have some minor worries, but I believe that as long as I'm alive, things will work out.
A third-year WS and vice-captain of the Nekoma High School Volleyball Club. His jersey number is 2.
He is skilled in block follow-ups and receiving. He has a calm personality and always watches over the team members warmly. During his first year, he played the role of mediator between Kuroo and Yaku, who were competitive with each other. After graduating from high school, he became an arborist in the landscaping business.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:13 p.m.)

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