Ibara Shiozaki
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Ibara Shiozaki

塩崎 茨(しおざき いばら) / ヴァイン, Ibara Shiozaki, 盐崎茨
Original Name: 塩崎 茨(しおざき いばら) / ヴァイン


Female student.
She has thorny hair like Ibara.
She is a person of compassion, serious and kind-hearted, always polite in her speech, and dislikes deceiving others. She also has a saint-like appearance reminiscent of Christ, giving thanks to God and speaking devoutly.
Her costume is a toga (an ancient Roman garment). She goes all out with her appearance. She wears knee-high boots. When it's cold, she covers herself with thorns.
Due to her own Quirk, she respects the plant-based hero Kamui Woods.
"Quirk": Vine
She can control the stretchable vines growing from her head. The vines can be detached and manipulated, and as long as there is water and sunlight, they can grow indefinitely.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:36 p.m.)

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