

トルフィン, 托爾芬

Character Introduction

The protagonist of the story. His real name is Thorfinn Thorsson. He is from Iceland and later nicknamed "Thorfinn the Valiant" (Thorfinn Karlsefni). In the story, his birthday is February 3rd. His father was killed by Askeladd, the leader of a Viking group, and he spent his childhood among Askeladd's soldiers seeking revenge. He has blonde hair, brown eyes, and his long hair is always messy, with little regard for his clothing. He wields two short swords, one of which is a memento from his father. Having grown up on the battlefield, he was extremely unsociable and quiet, but after being tasked with protecting Canute, he gradually began to speak more. During his time with the soldiers, his only solace and interest were the right to duel Askeladd, which he could earn through battle, and the Vinland he heard about from Leif during his childhood.
He is small in stature but extremely agile and tough. He is strong enough to have once cornered Thorkell, but his short temper often leads him into disadvantageous situations. Askeladd, in particular, completely read his habits and thought patterns, leaving him unable to compete. When Askeladd was killed, he temporarily lost his sanity from the shock and attacked Canute, resulting in his demotion to slave status and being taken in by Ketil's farm. Having lost his purpose of revenge, he lived aimlessly, but after meeting Einar and engaging in farming, he regained his mental stability. However, he was tormented by the half-life he knew only of killing, suffering from nightmares almost every night.
As he repeatedly contemplated life, he began to abhor violence, but in an incident where servants vandalized the farmland he had cultivated, he succumbed to anger and knocked them down. In a subsequent nightmare, he reunited with Askeladd. Through their conversation, he realized that he had lived within a cycle of killing and had not yet escaped it. From then on, he vowed to completely renounce violence and, burdened with the regret of having killed many people, aimed to become a "true warrior." To fulfill his mission, he decided to head for Vinland across the sea and gather people oppressed by the world to create a "peaceful country without war or slavery."

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(Last edited time: Sept. 6, 2024, 2:02 p.m.)

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