Takanobu Aone
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Takanobu Aone

青根 高伸(あおね たかのぶ), Takanobu Aone, 青根高伸
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Original Name: 青根 高伸(あおね たかのぶ)


Height: 191.8cm to 192cm / Weight: 88.2kg / Highest jump reach: 335cm / Birthday: August 13 / Favorite food: Chestnut Kinton / Recent concern: When sitting on the train, no one sits next to me on either side.
A second-year MB at Date Tech High School. His jersey number changed from 7 to 1.
One of the top middle blockers in the prefecture. Part of the "Iron Wall" duo with Futakuchi. Has a habit of pointing at the opposing team's ace, which signifies "lock on," and he is confident in blocking their attacks.
Tends to be silent and expressionless, and his lack of eyebrows makes him appear intimidating, though he is secretly concerned about it. Initially, people were surprised when he spoke, but after the third-years retired and he became the most senior in the club, he started participating in conversations more frequently. During the Interhigh Prefectural Qualifiers against Karasuno, he shouted Hinata's number while blocking him, and after the defeat, he suggested to Moniwa that they aim for the Spring High together, showing that despite his appearance, he has a passionate heart.
Since their match in the Interhigh Qualifiers, he has acknowledged Hinata as a rival, and his expression twisted when Futakuchi criticized Hinata. After being defeated in the Spring High Qualifiers, he told Koganegawa, who was frustrated about not being able to stop strong and tall opponents, that "difficult opponents to stop aren't always big and strong," indirectly referring to Hinata. He also bows politely every time he meets Hinata.
After graduating from high school, he joined a construction company and is part of the corporate team VC Date.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:13 p.m.)

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