Rikidou Satou
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Rikidou Satou

砂藤 力道(さとう りきどう) / シュガーマン, Rikidou Satou, 砂藤力道
Gender: Male
Height: 185cm
Original Name: 砂藤 力道(さとう りきどう) / シュガーマン


A male student known for his large build and thick lips. He excels at making homemade sweets as part of his "Quirk" training, and the treats he makes are quite delicious, earning rave reviews from the girls in Class A, who call it "Sugar Man's Sugar Time." Yaoyorozu has suggested pairing them with her tea.
His hero costume resembles a masked wrestler, and his belt is equipped with sugar bottles for using his "Quirk." He has coined his own hero name, the Sweet Hero "Sugar Man."
"Quirk": Sugar Dope
For every 10 grams of sugar, his power increases fivefold for three minutes.
However, continuous use gradually impairs brain function, causing drowsiness.
Sugar Rush
A technique where he delivers a series of rapid punches.

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(Last edited time: July 3, 2024, 4:22 p.m.)

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