Shouhei Fukunaga
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Shouhei Fukunaga

福永 招平(ふくなが しょうへい), Shouhei Fukunaga, 福永招平
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Original Name: 福永 招平(ふくなが しょうへい)


Height: 178.3cm / Weight: 68.3kg / Highest Jumping Point: 315cm / Birthday: September 29 / Favorite Food: Dried squid / Recent Worries: Yamamoto keeps saying "Talk more"
2nd year WS at Nekoma High School. His jersey number is 6.
Skilled in back attacks and distributing spikes, also has good receiving abilities. Extremely taciturn, but he has a habit of suddenly laughing with a "Pfft" when struck by a thought. Occasionally makes sudden puns. After graduating high school, he became a comedian, works part-time at an Italian restaurant, and has shown his paella-making to his teammates.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:16 p.m.)

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