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高順(ガオシュン), Gaoshun, 高顺
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Original Name: 高順(ガオシュン)


Jinshi, a military officer attached to the emperor, later became the emperor's bodyguard and deputy officer. He is 36 years old. Gaoshun, which is a name he adopted when he became a eunuch, is not his real name, which remains unknown as of volume 14.
He is also a member of a family that has traditionally protected the royal family. As part of his role, he grew up playing in the inner palace with the emperor and Riishu since they were children.
From a young age, he has served Jinshi as a guardian, and despite being pushed around by his master, he is a loyal and hardworking person. He is very diligent and perceptive, but also has a playful side, and he likes sweets and cats. He calls Maomao "Xiaomao" and gives her his favorite street food, "baozi" (meat buns), making him a source of comfort for Maomao.
Like Jinshi, he is not actually a eunuch, but due to his frequent visits to the inner palace, he regularly takes medicine to reduce male function, which could completely eliminate male function if used continuously. However, he married at 16 and has three children, including Ma Shan, and already has grandchildren through his eldest son and daughter, so he is not concerned about the effects. His wife is older and was originally Jinshi's wet nurse. Officially, he was made a eunuch as a palace punishment after incurring the empress's wrath, and he had to abandon his real name.

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(Last edited time: April 19, 2024, 6:39 p.m.)

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