Ryuuko Tsuchikawa
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Ryuuko Tsuchikawa

ピクシーボブ / 土川 流子(つちかわ りゅうこ), Ryuuko Tsuchikawa, 北美洲短毛猫
Original Name: ピクシーボブ / 土川 流子(つちかわ りゅうこ)


The team concept and naming were her ideas. She calls herself "18 at heart" and likes Izuku and others who defeated the "Earth Beasts" she created with her "Quirk," saying, "I'm looking forward to three years from now!" while spitting. Mandalay says she is anxious about being at the right age for marriage, and Tora also mentions she is edgy about her marriageable age.
"Quirk": Earth Flow
She can manipulate earth in various ways.
Earth Beasts
She generates autonomous magical beasts.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:45 p.m.)

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