Makoto Shimada
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Makoto Shimada

嶋田 誠(しまだ まこと), Makoto Shimada, 嶋田诚
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Original Name: 嶋田 誠(しまだ まこと)


Height: 177.7cm / Highest Jump Point: 300cm / Age: 26 years old
His family owns Shimada Mart. His position is WS.
He is a member of the neighborhood association team. In an irregular red and white match, he scored consecutive service aces with a jump float serve. He is teaching Yamaguchi, who came to ask for instruction, the jump float serve. In the quarterfinals of the Spring High Preliminary against Wakutani Minami, he watched Yamaguchi, who finally appeared as a pinch server, and let slip, "I feel like throwing up." In the match, he is in charge of explaining the play along with Taki no Ue.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:11 p.m.)

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