Nobuteru Irihata
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Nobuteru Irihata

入畑 伸照(いりはた のぶてる), Nobuteru Irihata, 入畑伸照
Gender: Male
Original Name: 入畑 伸照(いりはた のぶてる)


Recent worry: I'm concerned about my belly getting bigger, but I can't give up beer / Age: 52
Director of the Aoba Johsai High School Volleyball Team.
He is highly regarded as a coach who always creates a finished team. He generally leaves the management of the game to the players, and with the presence of an excellent playmaker (Oikawa), he does not actively give instructions. He is cautious about the growth and improvement in play of opposing players, and as a coach, he openly praises them. During a practice match with Karasuno High School, Mizoguchi (C) regretted seeing the changed Kageyama, but remarked, "It was because it was Karasuno, and because that (bib) number 5 (Hinata) was there..."

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:06 p.m.)

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