Kazuki Tsuchiya
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Kazuki Tsuchiya

土屋 和季(つちや かずき), Kazuki Tsuchiya, 土屋和季
Original Name: 土屋 和季(つちや かずき)


From the softball baseball club. Second year to third year. Center fielder, right-handed thrower and batter. Height 169 cm. Blood type A. Born on November 17.
Although lacking in physical strength, he is a center fielder who boasts a quickness comparable to Chihaya. In middle school, he couldn't adapt to the "baseball club" system and escaped into the fictional world of "baseball" in high school, but joined the club after being invited by Kei and others. Bats ninth in the lineup.
He has an otaku temperament, referring to Kei's amnesia as "like something out of a 2D world" and calls Kei in his tactician mode "Lord Kei." He is also knowledgeable about the occult.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 11:34 a.m.)

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