Shunpei Chihaya
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Shunpei Chihaya

千早 瞬平(ちはや しゅんぺい), Shunpei Chihaya, 千早瞬平
Gender: Male
Height: 167cm
Original Name: 千早 瞬平(ちはや しゅんぺい)


From Fujimi Senior High. Freshman to sophomore. Second baseman, right-handed and switch hitter. Height 167 cm. Blood type A. Born on September 28.
A second baseman with weak shoulders but skilled bat control and fast legs. During his Little Senior days, he made desperate efforts to compensate for his small stature with technique and theory, but a match against the "genius with both technique and theory," Haruka Kiyomine and Kei Kaname, led him to quit baseball. A strategist with a cynical personality, he also served as the team's brain during Kei's amnesia.
From his second summer, he became the undisputed leadoff hitter.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 11:33 a.m.)

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