Kotoha Isone

Kotoha Isone

五十音 ことは(いそね ことは), 五十音言葉
Age: 16
Birthday: September 3
Gender: Female
Height: 165cm
Voice Actor: Miyuki Sawashiro

Character Introduction

The part-time worker and deputy director of the "Hiizumi Life Counseling Office."
Born on September 3rd. 16 years old. Height 166 centimeters. Her favorite foods are all kinds of vegetable dishes. She has brown hair and eyes, and ties her hair up. She is a glasses-wearing girl with a large bust. She is a "Kotodama user," a half-demon who "fell" in the past and can materialize words. Her hobbies are traveling and reading.
Although her glasses are for show, it seems her eyesight isn't particularly good, as she also uses contact lenses. She is a yuri girl. A bibliomaniac, she loves fairy tales, and her home bookshelf is filled with them. Besides borrowing rare books from Rira, she possesses a pass that allows her free access to the Senate's library.
She has a straightforward and generous personality. She tries to accept anything beyond her control as simply "bad luck."
As a half-demon, her physical abilities are high, enough to match Hime (she can even leap between utility poles). She is said to be stronger than Hime when facing multiple opponents. In combat, she combines her physical abilities with kotodama. She can also produce numerous firearms, and according to Akina, she is a "true trigger-happy." Furthermore, kotodama becomes stronger with imagination, making reading a good match for it, which Shiina considers a "fortunate combination." Additionally, it is suggested that the Satori Ao, who communicates through bioelectric currents (living in the world of light speed), and the Kotodama user, who manipulates sound vibrations (living in the world of sound speed), are the best partners and natural enemies.
When chanting kotodama, simple things like walls or ice can be done with a single word, but complex things (man-made objects) require her to verbally detail the materials, appearance, and mechanisms. Therefore, she registers (installs) complex and necessary items in a dictionary. It seems she "remembers the taste" by licking the object with her tongue. When materializing a registered item, she always says "shortcut" followed by the keyword of the item. She has registered items like the German Wehrmacht's "FLAK36 88mm cannon" ("shortcut Acht Acht (88)") and "MP40." She is quite a military enthusiast, having visited the Koblenz Defense Technology Museum during a trip to Germany and materialized a railway gun without a shortcut. She can also materialize by reading text, but she says it's "exhausting." By using kotodama loudly over the phone, she can also materialize things on the other side. However, overusing her ability can result in her words failing to materialize, leaving only "letters," or she may lose her voice. Therefore, she often sucks on throat lozenges beforehand.
Before falling, she frequented the office for the library in the basement, but one day, on her way home, she fell. She caused significant damage at that time, and according to Zakuro, she "smells the most of blood." She tries not to dwell on it, but if blamed or reminded of it, she can become slightly unhinged. She believes that half-demons like herself hold the key to the Seven Pillars' blooming.
According to the author, she was a character that didn't exist until the very last version before serialization was decided, but was created suddenly due to the then-editor's comment, "We need a glasses-wearing girl, right?" Now, she is the author's favorite character.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 30, 2024, 3:19 a.m.)

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