Yuno Rembrandt
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Yuno Rembrandt

ユーノ=レンブラント, Yuno Rembrandt, 尤诺·连布兰多
Gender: Female
Original Name: ユーノ=レンブラント


The younger daughter of the Rembrandt couple. A beautiful girl with a boyish appearance compared to her sister. Both sisters were troublemakers at Rotsgard Academy, but after being treated for a cursed disease, her appearance changed so drastically that it was considered the worst in the aesthetics of another world, which greatly changed her values, making her more conscious of her inner self than her appearance. On the other hand, she, along with her sister Sif, is completely smitten with Makoto, and they use the influence of the Rembrandt family to intimidate and prevent other female students from approaching him.
She was afflicted with a level 8 cursed disease and had to take a leave of absence from Rotsgard Academy, but was saved by a secret medicine made from materials provided by Makoto, along with her mother and sister. After returning to the academy, she rapidly grew into one of the top talents under Makoto's lectures, and even during the summer vacation, she tried to attend his lectures. However, her father Patrick begged her to come home, so Makoto set a condition that she must return home in the latter half of the summer vacation, and in spite of this, she plans to ignore her father when she returns. Also, since the cursed disease incident, she has become skeptical of the goddess's faith and the temple, and has developed a strong interest in magic incantations that omit "praises to the goddess." At the school festival, she was defeated in the first round because she was matched against another of Makoto's students. Later, under Mio's leadership, she wears a special effects suit and acquires the skills of a front-line fighter.

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(Last edited time: June 14, 2024, 2:22 p.m.)

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