Kaname Moniwa
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Kaname Moniwa

茂庭 要(もにわ かなめ), Kaname Moniwa, 茂庭要
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Original Name: 茂庭 要(もにわ かなめ)


Height: 176.3 cm / Weight: 67.5 kg / Highest jump reach: 305 cm / Birthday: September 6 / Favorite food: Rice / Recent concern: Second year.
Former captain of the Date Tech High School Volleyball Club, a third-year student S. His jersey number is 2.
Although it has been called an era of poor performance, he has strived not to be outdone by the nickname "Iron Wall." He is caring and often gets dragged around by his juniors (especially Aone and Futakuchi), but he speaks up cheerfully before the team atmosphere deteriorates, ensuring that his teammates can fight without feeling down. He has high hopes for the future of Kogane River.
Retired after the Interhigh Prefectural Qualifiers. (Second year) He has a high regard for the abilities of Futakuchi and others, and has advised them to continue challenging until the Spring High even as third-year students.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:01 p.m.)

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