Yukitaka Izumi
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Yukitaka Izumi

泉 行高(いずみ ゆきたか), Yukitaka Izumi, 泉行高
Original Name: 泉 行高(いずみ ゆきたか)


Hinata's best friend from middle school. Nicknamed "Izumin." Originally a member of the basketball club. Wore jersey number 6 when he played in a volleyball match.
He often helps Hinata with his intense practice sessions and has participated in official matches.
He rushed to support the team during the finals of the Spring High preliminaries. Upon seeing Kageyama, he reacted just like Hinata did when he first joined the club, asking, "Why are you here?"

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:08 p.m.)

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