Mirio Toogata
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Mirio Toogata

通形 ミリオ(とおがた みりお) / ルミリオン, Mirio Toogata, 通形未吏生
Original Name: 通形 ミリオ(とおがた みりお) / ルミリオン


One of the top three students at U.A. High School, known as the "Big 3."
His hero costume resembles the one worn by the hero who saved him from drowning in a river. The costume features the number 1000000 (one million) on the chest area and is made from fibers derived from his own hair, which respond to the activation of his "Quirk" by becoming transparent.
Although he has not always been a top performer, having once ranked last due to the effects of his "Quirk," he has mastered control over his ability through tremendous effort, climbing from the bottom to the top, as he puts it, "through intense training." Before All Might met Izuku, Nezu had nominated him as a potential successor for "One For All," and he knows a fair amount about the secrets of "One For All."
"Quirk": Permeation
While his "Quirk" is active, he can phase through all matter, making nearly all attacks ineffective against him.
However, while his "Quirk" is active, even the clothes he wears fall off, and he cannot absorb light, air, or sound, leaving him without sight, hearing, or the ability to breathe, feeling as though he is falling through the ground. Therefore, if he is not careful, he can end up completely naked when he deactivates his "Quirk."
Additionally, when he deactivates his "Quirk," a phenomenon occurs where objects with mass are repelled from each other. By controlling the direction and pose of his body, he can aim where he is repelled to, and by alternating between activating and deactivating his "Quirk" while underground, he can appear behind his opponent.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:43 p.m.)

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