Nanako Yamazaki
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Nanako Yamazaki

山崎 菜々子(やまざき ななこ), Nanako Yamazaki, 山崎菜菜子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 山崎 菜々子(やまざき ななこ)


Rinko's friend. Characterized by her short hair. She spoke ill of Takeo at a group dating event, but after he saved her from a building fire that occurred shortly after, she changed her mind about him. She was favored by Kurihara, whom she met at the group dating event, and seemed quite pleased when he held her hand during a movie they went to see together. However, she was disillusioned by his indecisive attitude and cowardice at a Christmas party. But right after that, she learned of his true feelings for her, accepted his confession, and they started dating. After they became a couple, she was very affectionate towards him, and it seems they even kissed on the day they started dating.

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 5:56 a.m.)

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