Hayato Oda
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Hayato Oda

織田 隼人(おだ はやと), Hayato Oda, 织田隼人
Original Name: 織田 隼人(おだ はやと)


First-year student at Sakura Saki University. In the same seminar as Ai. His friends perceive him as carefree and frivolous, but he also has a devoted side and a bright, sociable personality. He was casually getting by in his university life until he lost some important documents entrusted to him by a professor and was in a tight spot, at which point Ai scolded and encouraged him, leading him to fall for her. Knowing that Ai likes Takeo, he came from Nagoya to see what kind of person Takeo was. He tries to get Ai to confess her feelings to settle them, but after hearing her thoughts, he returns to Nagoya and has been actively pursuing her since. He uses polite language with Ai, who is in the same year, because he initially thought she was older and hasn’t been able to drop the formality.

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 5:56 a.m.)

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