Osamu Kurihara
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Osamu Kurihara

栗原 オサム(くりはら おさむ), Osamu Kurihara, 栗原修
Gender: Male
Original Name: 栗原 オサム(くりはら おさむ)


A friend of Takeo and Makoto. He is characterized by his afro hair. He's a bit of a wimp and a show-off. He met Nanako at a mixer and became interested in her, actively approaching her by asking for her contact information when they all went skating, and inviting her to a movie. He decided to confess his feelings on the day of the Christmas party. However, his vague attitude and pathetic behavior disillusioned her once, but immediately after that, he was scolded by Takeo, which made him clearly express his feelings, and they officially started dating. He said that the reason he fell in love with Nanako was because when he complimented her legs, she looked at him as if she was looking at a bug, so he probably has a masochistic tendency.

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 5:56 a.m.)

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