Yuriko Gōda
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Yuriko Gōda

剛田 ゆり子(ごうだ ゆりこ), Yuriko Gōda, 刚田百合子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 剛田 ゆり子(ごうだ ゆりこ)


Takeo's mother. Her maiden name is Takenaka. She is a former amateur wrestling champion. Her perm and piercings are her distinguishing features. She was blessed with her second child at the age of 40. She is a hardworking and gutsy mother who continues to do squats and other exercises while doing household chores even during her pregnancy. She has a tendency to put others before herself to the point of neglecting her own needs.

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 5:56 a.m.)

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