Isamu Nakashima
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Isamu Nakashima

中島 勇(なかしま いさむ), Isamu Nakashima, 中岛勇
Original Name: 中島 勇(なかしま いさむ)


Rushed to support Wakutani South, he is the eldest son of the Nakashima family and is Isamu's older brother by two years (a second-year university student).
Former captain of the Wakutani South High School Volleyball Club. Apparently, he was an incredible setter, having formed a partnership with his younger brother until the previous year.
Makoto, being reliable, was thought by his sister Mana to have been better suited as the eldest son, causing him to be shocked and say, "Big bro is going to cry."

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:01 p.m.)

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