Takashi Hayashida
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Takashi Hayashida

林田高志(はやしだ たかし), Takashi Hayashida, 林田高志
Gender: Male
Original Name: 林田高志(はやしだ たかし)


A male high school teacher at Komabashi High School. He was the homeroom teacher during Rei's first year in high school. At the time when Rei was in his third year of high school during the summer, he was 36 years old. He is such a fan of shogi that he has had his problems published in a shogi magazine (Rei estimates his strength to be about "amateur 2-dan"), and therefore quickly recognized Rei when he transferred to Komabashi High School. Since then, he has been concerned about Rei, who often feels isolated at school, including in his personal life. After Rei advanced to the next grade, he was no longer the homeroom teacher but became the advisor of the Shogi Science Club, continuing to look after him. He also offered counsel about the bullying involving Hinata and problems concerning the Kawamoto family and Seijiro. Later, when the Shogi Science Club was transformed into a shogi club due to a lack of members (with all members except Rei being teachers), it was revealed that he had been shutting out other teachers' requests to coach Rei because he secretly wanted to become strong by getting the coaching for himself.
He has fallen in love with Akari at first sight, and mentioned hypothetically living at the Kawamoto house to help with the issue concerning Seijiro and supporting the sisters living there, but Rei internally rejected the idea.
He is a big fan of Kai Shimada, feeling a connection through them being the same age. Later, through the summer festival in March town, he became acquainted with Shimada and formed a friendship-like relationship. However, he also became anxious because Shimada met Akari, fearing that the two might start dating.

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 5:07 p.m.)

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