Izumo Kamiki
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Izumo Kamiki

神木 出雲(かみき いずも), Izumo Kamiki, 神木出云
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Original Name: 神木 出雲(かみき いずも)


A female student at the Exorcism Cram School. She belongs to Class 1-A at True Cross Academy High School.
She has eyebrows like a noble from the Heian period and possesses the talent of a Tamer, capable of summoning two high-level white foxes at once.
She is confident and strong-willed, often looking down on others with her harsh words. However, she is fundamentally conscientious and has a tsundere nature. Although she tries to hide it, she loves cute things, including cats. She never hid her ability to see demons since childhood, which made others find her creepy, but Park was the first to talk to her and became her first friend. Even when Shiemi asked to be friends, she internally denied it, treating Shiemi as a lackey because she did not resist her demands. Knowing Rin's true nature from her lonely experiences of being talked about behind her back, she did not shun him and treated him normally. It seems she cared about Park, as she was shaken when Park left the cram school and misunderstood that she was disliked after Shiemi pointed out her attitude.
She comes from a family of shrine priests at the Inari Grand Shrine in Shimane, with a lineage of mixed demon blood. She lived with her mother, Tamamo, and her sister, Tsukumo, in a single-parent family. Due to being the child of a mistress from the main family, she was treated coldly by her father and other relatives from the main family line, and her mother was mentally unreliable, which led her to develop a strong independence and a tough demeanor to avoid being ridiculed.
Her mother, unaware of her position as a mistress and crazed with lust for the head of the main family, was possessed by a nine-tailed fox, leading to a desperate situation where she was saved by the Illuminati and became a hostage as a subject for Elixir experiments. She aimed to become an exorcist and obtain the Tamer qualification to perform the God Descending Ritual, intending to replace her mother and prevent her sister from becoming an experimental subject. She was attacked by her nine-tailed possessed mother, and Maria from the Illuminati, who tried to save her, was killed in front of her, leading her to fear and distrust others due to her traumatic past.
However, as the experiments at Gedouin progressed and the Tamer qualification was no longer necessary for forcibly performing the God Descending Ritual, she was kidnapped by the Illuminati and became a captive. During her escape from captivity, she fought with Renzo and lost her childhood friends Mike and Uke (who were later found to be alive), and in despair, she rejected Rin's help when he came to rescue her. Despite a low compatibility rate, she ended up having the nine-tails possess her body, leading to a rampage, but was saved by her mother. After overcoming her mother's death, she decided to defeat Gedouin, and her mindset changed, successfully performing demon summoning without the use of sealing paper. Just before the nine-tails' rampage, she realized her affection for her fellow students, leading to a better demeanor towards others.
In the first popularity poll, she topped the female characters, surpassing heroine Shiemi in both the magazine and fanbook results without organized votes.
Techniques used:
God Descending (Kamioroshi)
Spirit Purification (Tamayura no Harai)
Soul Calming Purification (Mitama Shizume no Harai)
Heaven's Great Sacred Sake (Ama no Oomiki)

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