Riser Hopkins
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Riser Hopkins

ライザー・ホプキンス, Riser Hopkins, 赖泽·霍普金斯
Original Name: ライザー・ホプキンス


Enrolled at Camelot Academy Japan. A perennial C-class underachiever, his favorite club is the driver. He was the first to clash with Gawain when he transferred to Camelot Academy, challenging him to a long-drive contest, but was soundly defeated. However, this experience reminded him of the joy of golf, and he became friends with Gawain. He competed against Gawain and Kanazono for the last seat in the Camelot Cup, but missed an easy putt due to pressure and failed to qualify for the Cup. Later, he moved up to B-class and participated in matches, but due to his mental weakness, he was tricked by Rokujou and lost confidence, eventually defecting to the Graal Kingdom.
However, after several years of practice, he became a professional golfer, and seems to have skills on par with or better than Gawain.
Born in America, his father has appeared in the story.
Average driver distance: 270Y
Average putts per round: 2.3
Best score: +1

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(Last edited time: July 1, 2024, 12:46 p.m.)

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