Ittetsu Takeda
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Ittetsu Takeda

武田 一鉄(たけだ いってつ), Ittetsu Takeda, 武田一铁
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Original Name: 武田 一鉄(たけだ いってつ)


Height: 166.5 cm / Weight: 59.4 kg / Birthday: January 10 / Favorite Food: Meat and potatoes / Recent Concern: Being told by students, "Teacher, your glasses are lame" / Age: 29
Advisor and coach of the Karasuno High School boys' volleyball team. A modern literature teacher. Tanaka and Nishinoya call him "Take-chan."
He was new to his position and unfamiliar with volleyball rules. However, he is serious and enthusiastic, always taking notes when taught by the team members or Tsukishima. He was encouraged by Coach Nekomata from Nekoma High School, who told him, "Passion will be met with passion, and even if you're clumsy, if you keep trying, the students will follow you." As a modern literature teacher, he often chooses poetic words during meetings, which makes him worry if he's being awkward. He is also apparently good at prostrating himself.
To strengthen the volleyball team, he repeatedly visited Tsukishima to ask him to become a coach and managed to arrange practice matches and joint training camps (in Tokyo and Saitama) with powerhouse schools like Aoba Johsai High School and Nekoma High School, despite having no connections. His actions have been foundational in the growth of the team, earning him gratitude from Tsukishima who said, "You've done something amazing." As of 2018, he is still coaching the Karasuno High School volleyball team.
He is also strong with alcohol, having consumed a considerable amount during the summer joint training camp with Coach Nekomata.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:09 p.m.)

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